Archivos para 30 diciembre 2010

Types of Software

There are a lot of types of software, but not all the people know the differences between their. In order that they remain clearly framed the different types of software, I put this Venn’s diagram of the diferent kind of software that exists in the market: In the diagram we can see that Free Software […]

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Open Source Definition by Open Source Initiative

Open source doesn’t just mean access to the source code. The distribution terms of open-source software must comply with the following criteria: 1. Free Redistribution The license shall not restrict any party from selling or giving away the software as a component of an aggregate software distribution containing programs from several different sources. The license […]


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Market Share of OS in 2010

From NetMarketShare have been published 2010 statistics on the use of operating systems to access the Internet. As has happened in previous years the market share of Microsoft’s operating system is overwhelming, nearly 92%, after follows Mac with a 5%, iOS with 1,3% and GNU / Linux with nearly 1%. As relevant data is worth […]

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Andriod 2.3 Gingerbread Liberado

El pasado 18 de Diciembre, el AOSP (Android Open Source Project) publicó el código fuente del sistema operativo Android 2.3 Gingerbread, de esta forma queda a disposición de los operadores, fabricantes y desarrolladores, para que realicen las modificaciones pertinentes con el objetivo de obtener los productos que se ofrecerán en un futuro próximo con esta […]

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Free Software alternatives

One of the people’s concerns is that there are not free software tools to carry out their work with equal efficacy, safety and providing the same functionality that they provide proprietary software Supplied tools currently use. I add to readers a list of proprietary software and free software equivalents, here [ES]. This way they can […]

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License of the blog

As an exercise of the subject «Legal Aspects of Free Software», I must choose a license for my blog. To choose a license for cultural works, as is the case, we have the Creative Commons licenses. In this link, Choose a License, we can easily see the types of licenses that exist and therefore it […]


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Apple vs Motorola

Last October, Motorola sued Apple for alleged violation of up to 18 patents in the iPad, the iPhone and some Mac models Only a month later, Apple strikes and accuses Motorola of violating rights of six patent of the iPhone in its Droid model, powered by Android. From Apple claim that Motorola have copied the […]


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Possible GPL violation of Tandberg

Last November, the hacker Jason Garrett-Glaser, a leading developer of open source project x264, publishing information which states that one of the patent applications Tandberg Telecom since December 2008, contains a step-by-step an algorithm that was added to the x264 codebase two months, more specifically: «an accurate description, step by step, the algorithm that I […]


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Mapa conceptual del Software Libre

Más claro el agua!!! Salud2…

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About MySQL

Otra de las charlas que recibimos en la asignatura Casos de Estudio I, fue sobre MySQL, un Sistema de Gestión de Bases de Datos Relacionales FLOSS. Esta charla me resultó muy interesante debido a que nos enseñaron algunos de los comandos básicos para utilizar MySQL desde la shell, que desconocía por completo, ya que siempre […]


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